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About Us

Mahand Vibrating stands as the unique specialized industrial vibrating screen manufacturer, offering expertise in material separation, screening, and classification for industrial and mining materials, backed by an experienced team of engineers.

As the first producer and leader in round vibrating screens (vibrating sieve | vibrating screen) and ultrasonic vibrating screens in the Middle East, Mahand Factory brings over 40 years of experience, delivering high-quality and reliable products with excellent services through its professional team across various sectors.

Why choose Mahand Vibrating? Our 24-month warranty, continuous and enduring support services, and accessibility ensure that our screening devices, equipped with premium Italian vibrating motors, perform to the standards we promise.

The only specialized company in the Middle East


The only specialized manufacturer of vibrating sieves in the Middle East
In accordance with European quality and standards

Customer orientation

Customer relationship and customer service, in addition to satisfying our customers,
has always helped to increase the quality of our products.

Experience and Knowledge

Our long history of designing and producing vibrating sieves
has turned Vibrating into an unrivaled hub in the Middle East.

Up To Date

Continuous communication with Europe reviews the latest methods of production and design of Europe and the use of young and efficient forces to help keep The company up to date

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    Some of our Customers

    After-Sales Services for Vibrating Screens

    The after-sales services for vibrating screens are pivotal, significantly influencing overall customer satisfaction. Reputable manufacturers of vibrating screens ensure robust and efficient after-sales support. This encompasses routine maintenance and repair, provision of high-quality original spare parts, and expert technical assistance. Customers can swiftly resolve any technical inquiries, performance issues, or repair needs by reaching out to the company’s dedicated support team.

    Moreover, training and consultancy services are integral components of after-sales support, empowering customers to optimize the performance of their vibrating screens. Consequently, these services not only uphold machine efficiency and longevity but also enhance customer satisfaction and convenience.

    Ultrasonic Vibrating Screens

    Ultrasonic vibrating screens represent cutting-edge technology in the realm of electric motors, harnessing ultrasonic vibrations to deliver precise and high-quality performance across diverse applications. Renowned for their accuracy and frequency adjustment capabilities, ultrasonic vibrating screens find utility in pharmaceutical, food, and chemical industries.

    This technology’s profound impact on vibration transmission efficiency has made it a preferred choice for numerous leading industries. Integration of ultrasonics into vibrating screens enhances material sieving and reduces energy consumption, resulting in impurity-free material output.

    Pricing of Ultrasonic Screens

    At Mehandis Vibreh Company, we prioritize quality and technological advancement in all our products. We are committed to offering top-notch products at competitive prices, ensuring utmost customer satisfaction. Therefore, we guarantee both the quality and pricing transparency of our ultrasonic screens. For inquiries regarding ultrasonic screen pricing, please reach out to our sales experts for personalized assistance and the best offers.

    Vibrating Screen vs. Vibrating Sieve: Which Term is Correct?

    In English, “vibrating screen” is commonly used as a generic term for vibrating devices. Therefore, when referring to a device generating vibrations, “vibrating screen” is the most appropriate term. However, “vibrating sieve” is also acceptable and widely understood, describing a device employing vibrations for material sizing and separation across various industries.

    In essence, both terms—vibrating screen and vibrating sieve—are valid when referring to devices utilizing vibrations for material sieving.

    Distinguishing Between Vibrating Screens and Double-Deck Vibrating Screens

    The double-deck vibrating screen features two separate decks, facilitating the separation and sizing of materials into distinct layers. Primarily employed in specific industries, this device offers heightened accuracy based on the mesh size of individual layers, enabling precise separation according to size or distinct properties.

    Conversely, the single-deck vibrating screen, while similar in function, possesses only one deck and offers lower accuracy compared to its double-deck counterpart.

    Overall, vibrating screens and double-deck vibrating screens are both instrumental in effectively separating and sizing materials to meet diverse industrial requirements.

    Qualities of the Best Vibrating Screen

    The epitome of a superior vibrating screen encompasses distinctive features and exceptional performance tailored to diverse industry needs. Esteemed manufacturers with a wealth of experience often receive accolades for their vibrating screens, renowned for their robust power, frequency adjustability, superior craftsmanship, and adherence to stringent quality standards.

    An exemplary vibrating screen must adhere to stringent quality and safety standards, incorporating the latest technological and engineering advancements. Furthermore, robust after-sales services and prompt technical support are indispensable features of the finest vibrating screens. Opting for a vibrating screen from reputable brands guarantees outstanding performance and durability, instilling confidence in users.

    Selecting the Right Mesh Screen

    The mesh screen constitutes a crucial element in vibrating screen construction, directly influencing device efficiency. Several factors, including particle size, material type, and screen capacity, must be considered when purchasing the appropriate mesh screen. Determining the particle size and material type targeted by the vibrating screen is paramount. Selecting the correct mesh size ensures accurate particle separation and optimal screen performance.
