1. Design and construction in accordance with European standards
  2. Timely product delivery
  3. Having a guarantee
  4. Send an expert to the factory location if needed
  5. High quality production according to standards
  6. Use up-to-date knowledge in product design and manufacturing
  7. High efficiency of vibrating sieves compared to similar devices on the market
  8. Reasonable price of the product
  9. Test the device with samples of materials sent by the customer and compare it with customer data and make the most appropriate and special vibrating sieve to separate your materials.

No. In case of any questions or ambiguities about the installation of the device, our specialists will always be available to assist you in this matter.

Depending on the number of orders and the model of the vibrating sieve {from 3 to 15 days..}

“Mohannad” company is at the service of dear customers to provide vibrating sieves in two ways:

The first way: 50% cash, the rest before sending the device

The second way: using the facility to buy machines, by the Vice President for Science and Technology

-High quality and reasonable price of vibrating sieve

-after sales service

-Device support and the constant availability of our engineers to resolve any questions and ambiguities


-Timely product delivery

When installing, the necessary skills to work with vibrating sieves are trained by the team of engineers of Vibrating Engine Company.

After-sales service up to 10 years and vibrating sieve warranty up to two years.

We have a vibrating engine factory in Mashhad and offices in Tehran and Yazd.

  • Timely product delivery
  • Having a guarantee
  • Sending an expert if needed to the factory location
  • High quality production according to standards
  • Use up-to-date knowledge in product design and manufacturing
  • High efficiency of vibrating sieves compared to similar devices on the market
  • Reasonable price of the product

Due to the instability and unpredictability of raw material prices, you also need to buy to solve the problem of separation and granulation of your materials.

Most machines are ready and can be sent immediately just by determining the material and size of the mesh.

But some devices are proprietary and are made to customer order.

Determining the type of device is based on the type of material to be sieved and the required capacity.

It varies depending on the type of material and the size of the mesh.

There is one floor for each mesh, and the maximum number of vibrating sieve floors is 4.

It is done by training by the company’s installation experts.

It is done by training by the company’s installation experts.

Please call the following numbers and our business partners will guide you.
Contact number 09152457006 or 0212453225

The offices of vibrating sieve manufacturer are in Mashhad, Tehran and Yazd. In case of coordination, sending a visit request letter is not prohibited.

Yes, and one of the most important of them is Farmand Chocolate Factory, which has purchased a large number of machines from Mohand Vibrate Company.

Diameter 1200 mm  And diameter 1500 mm

At the request of the customer

Frequently Asked Questions